Gamera vs Viras Movie Review

Also known as Destroy all Planets, Gamera vs Viras shows that as early as the 4th movie of the original 8 film Gamera series, they were already running out of ideas. Seemingly taking several pages from the Godzilla film Destroy all Monsters plotwise, what the budget didn't allow the producers to fill in they simply made up for with liberal use of

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Live & Wired Ep 102: Make the Best of it

A new horror movie is coming soon! Oh, it's found footage.... aaand by the guys (blog post) behind Paranormal Activity.. and it's subject matter ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 102: Make the Best of it - Decker Shado More Videos

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The Beastmaster Movie Review

Released in 1982, The Beastmaster came out in the wake of Conan the Barbarian. Despite this, it didn't get much praise during it's theatrical run. However, subsequent airings on cable TV granted (blog post) the film a cult following that has grown over the years. So in this tale of swords, sorcery, barbarism and boobs - there yet remains one ques

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The Fly Movie Review

Recently I was asked what my favorite remake was on Twitter. I never answered this question, but it got me thinking about some of the better examples out there of studios taking a pre-existing story and recreating it for a new era of cinema. To that end, I present (blog) to you David Cronenberg's "The Fly." A remake of a classic science action mo

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Battle Creek Brawl Movie Review

Okay, this time for reals this is the first Jackie Chan movie made in America. For true! He even speaks english! And I feel very confused... (click article) but not as confused as America, as this (blog post) crazy guy showed up and backflipped his way through the action scenes. It seems like he was the only one who knew he'd be doing that.Source

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